Install Scibian 10 from

Install Debian

  1. Download the Debian 10.13 ISO
  2. Copy the ISO on a USB drive

    Plug the USB drive and identify the associated device (e.g. /dev/sda), then use cp to install the image on it :

    $ sudo cp debian-10.13.0-amd64-netinst.iso /dev/sda

    Warning this action will prevent later access to the data already present on the device. Check the device name carefully.

  3. Boot the PC on the USB drive and start the installation

    This documentation does not cover all the details of the installation process. If you are not comfortable with the partitioning tool, choose the assisted partitionning on a whole disk, with everything in one partition.

  4. At step “Configure the package manager”

    Get in console mode by pressing <Ctrl+Alt+F2> then press <Enter> and input the following commands :

    # chroot /target apt install gnupg
    # wget -O- | chroot /target apt-key add -

    Then go back to the installation screen by pressing <Alt+F5>, choose “Manual” and fill the following fields :

  5. At step “Software selection”

    Uncheck all the boxes except “Common system tools”, and continue.

  6. At the end of the installation process, unplug the USB drive, and reboot

Install Scibian

  1. When prompted for login, login as administrator

  2. Edit /etc/apt/sources.list in the following way :

    deb buster main contrib non-free
    deb buster-security main contrib non-free
    deb buster-updates main contrib non-free
    deb scibian10 main contrib non-free
  3. Update apt data

    # apt update
  4. Install Scibian

    # apt install scibian-standard scibian-desktop
  5. Configure the nVidia card (if needed)

    Install nvidia-detect :

    # apt install nvidia-detect

    Then execute nvidia-detect and follow its recommendations.

  6. End of the installation process

    Reboot the PC.